• Post date: 15/02/2017 - 08:23

    In this even semester, 6 students from the Faculty of Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University (YRU) Thailand took part in the credit transfer program at FMIPA UNY. They are divided into 2 departments, namely 3 people study in the Physics Education Department and 3 people study in the Chemistry Education Department.
    The opening ceremony for the credit transfer program was held in the faculty meeting room (14/2) which was attended by deans, heads of study programs and students. From YRU Thailand was the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Faculty of Science,...

  • Post date: 02/11/2016 - 08:23

    Yogyakarta State University students consisting of Satrio Sigit Purnomo (Mechanical Engineering), Azka Fathia (Physics), and Muhammad Arbany Hafit Adhi Wijaya (Mechatronics Engineering) successfully passed to take part in the National Technology Work Competition on 23-26 October 2016 at UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN SUSKA Riau) Pekanbaru. The National Technology Work Competition is one of a series of Informatics Youth Festival (IYF) 2016 events and is followed by the National LPDP and AMINEF Scholarship Seminar by the participants.

    One of the works of UNY students, namely Satrio...

  • Post date: 01/11/2016 - 08:23

    Salah satu program Pekan Ilmiah Fisika XIX Himafi Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, yaitu menyelenggarakan LKTI (Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah) . Tahun ini tema yang diangkat yaitu Inovasi dalam pengembangan sains dan teknologi berbasis kearifan lokal guna menghadapi MEA. Tema tersebut diuraikan dalam subtema bidang yaitu: 1. Fisika  : Aplikasi Ilmu Fisika guna Menciptakan dan/ atau mengembangkan Sains dan Teknologi. 2. Pendidikan  : Inovasi Media dan Metode Pembelajaran yang interaktif guna Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan. 3. Lingkungan  : Penerapan Sains dan Teknologi sebagai Solusi...

  • Post date: 31/10/2016 - 08:23

    Yogyakarta State University has shown definite steps in realizing a World Class University through Sit In activities by providing opportunities for students majoring in Physics Education and Science Education 2013 to study for 10 days (15-25 October 2016) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). UNY students were accompanied by Mr. Nur Kadarisman, M. Si and Mrs. Putri Anjarsari, M.Pd. Activities carried out include cultural introductions between the two cultures, exchanging information about organizations in the Faculty of Science at UPM and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at...

  • Post date: 28/10/2016 - 08:23

    On Saturday, 22 October 2016, a community service program was carried out by the PPM team headed by Mrs. Rita Prasetyowati, M.Si at SMP Negeri 3 Kalasan, which is located at Jalan Sidokerto, Purwomartani Village, Kalasan District, Sleman Regency. This PPM involved four lecturers from the Department of Physics Education at UNY, one student and teachers at SMP Negeri 3 Kalasan as participants. The event began with the opening, remarks from the UNY lecturer team, reception from SMPN 3 Kalasan teachers, and continued with the main event.


  • Post date: 26/10/2016 - 08:23

    Kitakyushu, Japan- 2 UNY students, Yusuf Kholis Hendian (Javanese Language Education Study Program) and Surya Jatmika (Physics Study Program) presented the results of their research entitled "Merti Kali: A Culture Form Harmony Between Human and Nature", at the 3rd Asia Future Conference. The 3rd Asia Future Conference is an international conference held by Sekiguchi Global Research in collaboration with Kitakyushu University. The Asia Future Conference aims to provide a platform for those who have studied in Japan and those who are interested in Japan to meet and discuss the future of Asia...
