On Friday 22 December 2017, Supardi, M.Sc. was declared to have passed the Closed Examination for the Doctoral Program in front of the Examining Team for the Doctoral Program in Physical Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM. He was guided by the Promoter Team: Dr.Eng. Yusril Yusuf, S.Si., M.Eng. and Dr. Harsojo, S.U., M.Sc with a dissertation entitled "The Effect of Cross-Linker Concentration on the Physical Properties of Main Chain Liquid Crystal Elastomers". The Closed Examination took place in Room 207 of the FMIPA UGM S2/S3 Building (2nd floor) and went smoothly...
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Post date: 22/12/2017 - 07:59
Post date: 20/11/2017 - 08:23
The UNY team consisted of Garin Alkautsar Razid (FT/ PT Mekatronika), Satrio Sigit Purnomo (FT/ PT Machine), Fitrianto Hakim (FT/ PT Elektonika), Futri Nadyaturrohmah (FBS/ English Literature) and Arnum Sari Khoirunnisa (FMIPA/ Physics ) under the guidance of Dr.Eng. Didik Nurhadiyanto, lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Education, won the Silver Medal in the International Invention & Innovative Competition (InIIC) Series 2 which was held at Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia (18/11/2017). In this event, they created an innovation entitled "PADIMAX- Automatic Rice Dryer as Agricultural...
Post date: 20/11/2017 - 08:23
Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY. At the graduation period on November 25 2017, 46 students were graduated. The graduates consisted of 26 people from the physics education study program and 20 people from the physics study program. Following are the names of the prospective graduates:
Physics Study Program
1. 13306141056 Nur Evi Kartika Damayanthi
2. 13306141060 Sunarso
3. 13306144009 Widya Riski Puspitasari
4. 13306141010 Yulistiani
5. 13306141051 Zahroh Utami
6. 13306141061 Puput Qurnia Anggraini
7. 13306144006 Lia Desi Parwati
8.... -
Post date: 09/10/2017 - 08:23
How to make learning Physics fun and how to implement it in everyday life is a challenge for the younger generation, especially students. Until now, physics lessons are still a scourge for students. So we need interesting applications so that elementary, middle school, high school students, etc. can be welcomed by students and make learning fun. This was conveyed by the Chancellor of Yogyakarta State University, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa when opening the National Seminar on Physics and Physics Education at FMIPA UNY, Saturday, 7/10/17.
Furthermore, several scientists in the world...
Post date: 21/08/2017 - 08:23
During the graduation period on August 26 2017, the Department of Physics Education graduated 49 students. A total of 33 students from the physics education study program and 16 students from the physics study program. The names of prospective graduates/wati are as follows:
Physics Study Program
1. 13306141048 Lilis Misnawati
2. 13306141049 Septiana Rahmawati
3. 13306141014 Iin Astarinugrahini
4. 13306141032 Vina Hentri Tunita Ningrum
5. 13306141009 Buky Wahyu Pratama
6. 13306141028 Zainal Arifin
7. 13306141025 Annisa Dyah Auliasari
8.... -
Post date: 10/04/2017 - 08:23
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (FMIPA UNY) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Physics Research Center of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Friday 7/4/17 at FMIPA UNY. Memorandum of understanding signed by the Dean of FMIPA, Dr. Hartono and Dr. Bambang Widiyatmoko from LIPI which is about Research and Education in the Fields of Physics, Laser Applications, Optoelectronics, Geophysics and Materials Science.
In his speech, Hartono said that with this collaboration, when students come to LIPI, for example for Field Work...
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
Email: pend_fisika@uny.ac.id
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