• Post date: 29/11/2023 - 19:12

    The Physics Education Study Program, Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY, held a follow-up discussion regarding collaboration with the Physics Education Study Program, FKIP Siliwangi University, on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 (Figure 2). Previously, a similar meeting was held on Thursday, October 5, 2023. The activity was held at the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY. It was attended by Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto as Head of the...

  • Post date: 12/11/2023 - 08:23

    On Saturday, November 11 2023, the closing and withdrawal event for the PPKO Himafi 2023 team was held in Bawuran sub-district, Pleret, Bantul which was held at 09:00 WIB – 11:00 WIB and accompanied by Dr. Kuncoro Asih Nugroho, S.Pd, M.Pd as representative from UNY. This event was attended by Bawuran village officials and Bawuran youth representatives.

    The closing and withdrawal ceremony for the 2023 PPKO Himafi Team opened with the singing of the song Indonesia Raya, then a welcome speech from Mr. Kuncoro and a speech from the head of Bawuran village, represented by Mr. Carik. Next...

  • Post date: 03/11/2023 - 17:12

    The Student Creativity Program (PKM) of the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY, which participated in the 2023 Indonesian LPTK MIPA Association (AMLI) PKM Competition, succeeded in achieving brilliant achievements. The first team was chaired by Ni Kadek Nabila Panggangia (Physics E 2021) and members Putri Tria Sari (Physics E 2021), Muhammad Ramdhan Haikal Fikri (Physics B 2021), and Fadhilah Fitria Setyawati (Physics B 2020) with supervisor Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D won 1st place in the Exact Research PKM. The second team was chaired by Saadah Vidaroini (...

  • Post date: 16/10/2023 - 14:50

    The Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activity for the Study Program of Undergraduate Physics Education was held on Monday, October 16, 2023, by hybrid  (offline for the AMI TEAM in the Department of Physics Education, 3rd Floor and online for the Auditor team). The AMI activity was attended by several lecturers from the Department of Physics Education, UNY,  including Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Si (Head of the Department of Physics Education), Dr. Kuncoro Asih Nugroho, M.Pd...

  • Post date: 29/09/2023 - 20:36

    The Friendship Forum (Fossil) 2023 event was held by the Physics Student Association, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (HIMA Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences (FMIPA), UNY) on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 09.20-11.20 WIB. Fossil 2023 was implemented in a hybrid manner, namely by combining online forums with offline forums. The online Fossil 2023 activities were carried out via Zoom meeting and attended by 26 students, while seven lecturers and 48 students participated in the offline Fossil 2023 activities. This...

  • Post date: 13/09/2023 - 16:36

    A total of 2 students from the Faculty of Science Technology and Agriculture, Yala Rajabhat University (YRU), Thailand took part in the credit transfer program at the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). The two students were welcomed at the Department of Physics Education on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, by Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Sc. as chairman of the Department of Physics Education, Dr. Supardi as Coordinator of Physics Study Program, Dr. Kuncoro as Coordinator of Physics Education Study Program, Dr. Mona (...
