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Inbound Visiting Professor: Collaboration in Teaching Physics Education Study Program with Trabzon University Turkey
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As one of the steps to achieve UNY as a World Class Educational University, academic activities in the form of Visiting Professors are carried out to add new insights about various disciplines taught and developed at UNY. In the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY, the Physics Learning Strategy course is one of the mandatory courses for students in the Physics Education Study Program. The Physics Learning Strategy examines the basis for implementing physics learning. This course provides a systematic explanation of the nature of science, the development of science process skills, approaches, methods, and learning media for physics, as well as the application of physics learning strategies in schools.
Cooperation with foreign university lecturers in the inbound Visiting Professor program is carried out to open students' knowledge about Technology Enhanced Learning in physics learning. The inbound Visiting Professor is Prof. Tuncay zsevgeç from Trabzon University, Turkey. He is one of the researchers in the field of science education who has published many reputable international publications.
The purpose of this Inbound Visiting Professor activity is to foster an academic atmosphere in study programs that lead to world-class learning, expand networks with world higher education institutions, prepare proposals for accreditation of study programs, provide experience to lecturers assigned as assistants to interact more broadly with lecturers abroad, as well as seeking new initiations for the emergence of similar programs or follow-up programs that are broader and more institutional.
This visiting professor activity was carried out online 8 times starting from September 19 to September 20, 2022. The topics in each activity included Nature of Physics, ICT into Physics education, Strategies using in Physics education and A sample of lesson plan.
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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