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Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNY Holds Practitioners Entering Campus
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Practitioners Entering Campus is a new activity that brings practitioners from outside Campus to teach students. This activity is divided into two categories: the Physics Education Study Program, FMIPA UNY, from December 3 2021 to December 13 2021. The event is held online via Zoom Meeting for several teaching sessions, each lasting 2 hours.
Several practitioners invited by the Physics Education Study Program included: 1) Mr. Zulkifli Akhyar Panjaitan, Chief Digital Officer of Wellmagic Media Digital, who presented the material "Augmented Reality in Physics Learning: on December 9 2021; 2) Mr. Sofyan Effendi, CEO of Triangular Indo Sakti who was presenting the material "Web Development for Physics Learning" on December 9 2021; 3) Mr M. Amil Busthon, Indosat Senior Data Scientist who presented the material "How to Create a Marketable Data Science Portfolio about Education" on December 10 2021; 4) Mr Rendy Aries Fajrin, People & Organizing Advisory PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) who presented material on "Building a High Performing Culture Organization" on December 10 2021; and 5) Mr. Sudarmani from Neutron who presented material on "The Potential of Physics Education Graduates as Managers of Tutoring Services in the Digital Era " on December 10, 2021. (Athi).
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
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