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Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY students, namely Delthawati Isti R, Rina Supriyani and Janu Arlinwibowo, who were one of the delegates representing Indonesia in the 2012 International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX) managed to get a silver medal. In this event, Delthawati Isti R, Rina Supriyani and Janu Arlinwibowo brought an invention with the title: "The Innovation of Physical Quantity Measuring Instruments in Braille for Visually Impaired Students". This invention contains several measuring instruments specifically for the visually impaired, with the scope of: practicum measuring length, mass, force, volume and density.
i-ENVEX 2012 is an annual competition event held by a collaboration between ENVEX Young Researcher Club (EYReC), University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and Malaysia High Education Ministry. In 2012, i-ENVEX carries the big theme “Engineering for Society”
This event was held on 26-29/4 in Perlis, Malaysia which was attended by more than 100 inventors from 12 countries, namely: Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Egypt, UAE, Taiwan, Philippines, Cambodia, Iraq, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada. . The event was officially opened on 27/4 by Brig. General Dato' Prof. Dr. Kamarudin Husain in the administrative and financial office building.
Janu said that this competition has the concept of an exhibition by providing a table for each invention. The tools that must be provided in this event are posters, brochures and invention products. The judging system is: The jury rotates to visit each table and conduct questions and answers with the inventor. The description of the work, product advantages, potential for implementation and about patents are mandatory questions for the jury. Judging was conducted on April 27, 2012 by several judges from various countries.
Participants are divided into several fields, namely Classed A: Agriculture & Environmental and Renewable Energy, Classed B: Automotive, Transportation & Industrial Design, Classed C: Biotechnology, Health & Chemicals, Classed D: Building, Construction & Materials, Classed E: I.C.T, Multimedia & Telecommunications, Electricity & Electronic, Classed F: Manufacturing Process & Machines and Equipment, Classed G: Social Science
“The UNY team is in class E, namely I.C.T, Multimedia & Telecommunications, Electricity & Electronic because inventions are learning media. Entering this class is a very difficult challenge because the rivals are sophisticated equipment based on telecommunications technology and electronic engineering. However, we remain optimistic about our invention because this tool has benefits for a problem that is rarely noticed,” he added.
This invention was carried out under the guidance of Mr. Juli Astono, M.Sc. In the process of completing this invention, the Supervisor proposes several validators of tools with different disciplines to ensure that the tools are ready to be used for practicum for blind students. Some of the validators are, Mr. Setia Adi Purwanta, M.Pd as the leader of the Resource Center as well as an expert on media for blind education, Mr. Pujianto, M.Pd as an expert in the field of physics education, Mrs. Dr. Ishartiwi as an expert in educational technology is extraordinary. (witono)
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