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Students from the Department of Physics Education Participate in the "Taiwan Global Anti-Virus Graphic Design Exhibition 2020" Organized by the Kaohsiung Creators Association
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Athi' Nur Aulati Rahmah, Physics Education student, FMIPA UNY 2020 participated in the "Taiwan Global Anti-Virus Graphic Design Exhibition 2020" organized by the Kaohsiung Creators Association. This international exhibition raises the issue of the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, he received an invitation as an Invited Artist from Chang Fang Pang, President of the Kaohsiung Creators Association on the recommendation of Naufan Noordyanto, an international poster activist from Indonesia, who is also a lecturer in Visual Communication Design.
Athi' had the opportunity to participate with talented international poster practitioners and academics from various countries in the world. The work he created received several positive responses, including from the former president of the Korean design association, curators, professors and lecturers from several countries via comments and direct messages on both Instagram and Facebook.
Interestingly, he made this poster during the even semester midterm exams (UTS). The main idea was inspired by the UTS Analytical Mechanics question about the Lagrange equation on a Ferris wheel. He chose the shape of a Ferris wheel that resembles a virus as the main object on the poster. The main message is conveyed metaphorically, as if the pandemic is over and everyone can go out to play on the Ferris wheel. This is reinforced by the poster headline, namely: Virus is Over, Let's Play Out.
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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