National Physics Seminar and Scientific Meeting XXXVI PSI Central Java and DIY Branch in 2024

In order to enliven the 60th Anniversary of Yogyakarta State University in 2024, the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNY hosted the National Physics Seminar and Scientific Meeting XXXVI PSI Central Java and DIY Branch in 2024. The event was held on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, which took place in Meeting Room 3, FMIPA UNY. The seminar activity with the theme "Increasing Collaboration and Research in the Field of Physics and Physics Education Towards National Technological Independence" chaired by Dr. R. Yosi Aprian Sari, M.Si. went smoothly and successfully. The main speakers (Keynote speakers) of the seminar activity were Prof. Dr. Lia Yuliati, M.Pd. (Education expert from Malang State University) and Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Material Physics expert from UNY). The accompanying speakers (Invited Speakers) were Dr. Riki Perdana, M.Pd. (Physics Education, UNY), Dr. Shidiq Nur Hidayat, M.Sc. (Material Physics, UGM), Dr. rer. nat. Listiyanto, M.Sc. (Theoretical and Computational Physics, Unnes), and Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, M.Sc. (Geophysics, UGM). This activity was attended by all lecturers and practitioners of the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI) professional organization. PSI can be a forum and trigger for communication between members, the emergence of collaborative research activities, and dissemination of research results. This activity aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share ideas and experiences in the fields of Physics and Physics Education and to be a forum for disseminating research results; presenting an excellent opportunity to connect with national stakeholders and increase opportunities for further collaboration; and a means for Physics Study Programs and Physics Education to communicate, exchange ideas, and seek solutions to problems of student interest, organizational development, accreditation needs, and review curriculum developments and competencies in the fields of Physics and Physics Education through the Council Session activities.