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The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (FMIPA UNY) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Physics Research Center of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Friday 7/4/17 at FMIPA UNY. Memorandum of understanding signed by the Dean of FMIPA, Dr. Hartono and Dr. Bambang Widiyatmoko from LIPI which is about Research and Education in the Fields of Physics, Laser Applications, Optoelectronics, Geophysics and Materials Science.
In his speech, Hartono said that with this collaboration, when students come to LIPI, for example for Field Work Practices (PKL), they will ask for guidance from LIPI to provide insight into what they want to become when students graduate. These are examples of how physics is applied in life. , and here is the research center.
"Later, FMIPA UNY and LIPI can collaborate in research and can use the tools available at LIPI. "We can use the results for joint publications," continued Hartono.
He added that regarding this collaboration, if at any time during the journey there is something that is not covered in the agreement, for example joint research, we can later develop it. We have agreed to develop mutually beneficial cooperation.
Meanwhile, Bambang explained that actually at LIPI there are 32 Research Centers and 11 Research Institutes. So there are very open opportunities for other departments such as chemistry, biology and others to collaborate with us.
This is the first step in establishing wider collaboration at the university level with LIPI so that all activities in the collaboration can be covered together so that we can be even more intense.
"LIPI now really wants to collaborate with universities or physics departments, especially because apart from now being one ministry, the task and function we carry out is to increase scientific guidance for cadres or the younger generation," he explained.
It was explained that the current condition at LIPI is that there is quite a big difference between the seniors and the young people. Many of those aged 35 years and under are studying, so we need support from students and lecturers to be able to fill the gaps to jointly utilize the facilities we have. (witono)
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
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