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Closing and Withdrawal of the 2023 PPKO HIMAFI Team
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On Saturday, November 11 2023, the closing and withdrawal event for the PPKO Himafi 2023 team was held in Bawuran sub-district, Pleret, Bantul which was held at 09:00 WIB – 11:00 WIB and accompanied by Dr. Kuncoro Asih Nugroho, S.Pd, M.Pd as representative from UNY. This event was attended by Bawuran village officials and Bawuran youth representatives.
The closing and withdrawal ceremony for the 2023 PPKO Himafi Team opened with the singing of the song Indonesia Raya, then a welcome speech from Mr. Kuncoro and a speech from the head of Bawuran village, represented by Mr. Carik. Next, there will be an After Movie video showing all the activities that have been carried out by the PPKO Himafi 2023 team during their 5 months in Bawuran village. And ended with the handing over of mementos by Mr. Kuncoro as a representative from Yogyakarta State University.
The hope is that what the PPKO Himafi 2023 Team has done in Bawuran village can have a positive impact on the Bawuran community and that every waste processing project can be continued by the Bawuran community in order to be able to create a "Bawuran Village that is Radiant (Clean, Healthy and Beautiful).
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
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