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Code | Course | Description |
MKU6201 | Islamic Religious Education* | Islam Education is 3-credits compulsory course for every Muslim student in all YSU study programs. This course is designed to strengthen their faith and piety to ALLAH The Sacred and The Mighty, as well as broadening the horizons of religious life, so that students formed with virtuous characters, philosophical thinking, rational, dynamic, and broad-minded attitude, paying attention to the demands to respect intra people in one people, and foster harmonious relationship among religious believers. Lecture activities are conducted through lectures, dialogues, and paper presentations. Evaluations are carried out through written assignments, reports, as well as presentations. Module Handbook: |
MKU6202 | Catholic Religious Education* |
Human as the image of God. Revelation and faith as the basis of religious life. Christianity and its consequences. Sacrament of Catholic Church, Interfaith dialogue, Humanitarian issues, Marriage in the Catholic Church. Module Handbook: |
MKU6203 | Christ Religious Education* |
Christian Education as a value of learning. The One Almighty God. Human as the image of God, behaving harmony with the image of God. Community life according to biblical teaching. Moral understanding in Bible and life. Cultural meaning and harmony in the bible. Biblical teaching related to science, technology, art, law, and politics. Harmony amongst people of various religion. Module Handbook: |
MKU6204 | Hindu Religious Education* |
The Hinduism Education is a compulsory pass course for all Hindu students in all study programs. It has 3 credits, with 2 credits of face to face meeting, and 1 credit of practice of Yoga Asanas, and Bhagavad Gita, Sarasamuscaya reading. This course is designed to strengthen sradha, as well as expand the perspectives of religious life in order to produce broad-minded students with good characters who think in philosophical, rational, and dynamic manners, and practice what must be done accordingly to respect both Hinduism and the harmony of inter religious relation. The learning activities are done through lecture, dialog, presentation, and case study. Assessment is done in the form of written test, mid-term examination (UTS), final examination (UAS), independent assignment, group assignment, as well as presentation. Module Handbook: |
MKU6205 | Buddha Religious Education* |
Buddhism Education contains the concepts and philosophies of Buddhism, the concepts of deity, human happiness, basic moral values, science and technology, politics, and universal laws in Buddhism perspective, exercises on soul development; and scientific paper writing which is in accordance with the fields of study. Module Handbook: |
MKU6206 | Confucius Religious Education* |
Confucianism covers the urgency of religion in daily life with the right attitude. This course includes an understanding of the legal source of Confucius, knowing the history of Confucius, being able to carry out the Sacred Path brought by the Great Teachings (Thai Rights), and the role of Confucius in the development of science and technology. Module Handbook: |
MKU6207 | Civics Education |
This course discusses: (1) Citizen rights and obligations, (2) Introduction to Country Defense Education, (3) Indonesian Democracy, (4) Human Rights, (5) Archipelago insights as Indonesian Geopolitics, (6) National defense as Indonesia Geostrategy, and (7) National Politics and Strategy as the implementation of Indonesian Geostrategy. Module Handbook: |
MKU6208 | Pancasila |
This lecture discusses the basis and objectives of Pancasila, Pancasila as a result of scientific thinking, Pancasila in the context of the nation's struggle history, Pancasila as a system of values and national ideology, constitution and amendments of Pancasila, and Pancasila as a paradigm of social and nation life. Module Handbook: |
MKU6209 | Bahasa Indonesia |
Indonesian language development, variety, and functions. The nature and purpose of writing. Standard Indonesian grammar, factors which affects writing comprehension, writing for popular and scientific purpose. Module Handbook: |
MKU6211 | English |
This course covers four skills in English, namely listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Students can master the rules of English grammar, communicate mathematics orally, communicate mathematics in writing, translate mathematical texts from English to Indonesian and vice versa, and rewrite mathematical texts. Module Handbook: |
MKU6212 | Digital Transformation |
This course is important to support the process of digital transformation, especially in the world of education. Topics discussed in this course include: the meaning of digital transformation, the role of technology in changing all fields, technology-enabled disruptions and their mechanisms, areas of digital business transformation, information capabilities for competitive advantage, social networks and enterprise 2.0, digital trends past and future, digital ethics and privacy, cloud technology & big data, introduction to programming, introduction to artificial intelligence, internet of things. Module Handbook: |
MKU6213 | Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship |
This course discusses about role of entrepreneur for nation and country, definition of entrepreneur, ability needed to be an entrepreneur. Character and profile of entrepreneur. Problem of entrepreneurship. This course also discusses several techniques to develop creativity, issues, and problems about entrepreneurship in practice. Module Handbook: |
MKU6214 | Social Literacy and Humanity |
The Social Literacy and Humanity course discusses the basic concepts of social science, objectives, functions and roles of social science education, approaches and in social science education, development of learning materials for history, economics, and geography in schools, and the selection of appropriate learning methods and media. Module Handbook: |
MKL6604 | Community Service Program (KKN) |
Purpose of community services, planning the community service program, disseminating the program. The next step depends on the prepared program. Module Handbook: |
MDK6021 | Educational Sciences | This course discusses the basic principles of education, educational science, and their application in educational practice which includes: educational phenomena, historical viewpoints of education, the nature of education and science of education, education as a system, and issues (educational issues in context education innovation). |
MDK6202 | Educational Psychology | The basic concepts of educational psychology, tasks and development theory, individual differences, learn and learning, learning theory, evaluation of learning outcomes, diagnostic learning difficulties, and their application in the field of education |
MDK6203 | Educational Management | This course discusses the basic concepts, roles, and scope of education management, followed by an in-depth study of management of the field of education management, which includes: students, curriculum, education staff, educational facilities, education funding, management of educational institutions and relationships educational institutions with the community, as well as educational leadership and educational supervision |
MDK6204 | Educational Sociology and Anthropology | Education as a socio-cultural process. Concepts, sociocultural methodologies in education, various cases and educational problems. The importance of climate, approaches, and sociocultural influences, both from school and from outside the school (family, peer group, community-nation, and mass media) in a multicultural (pluralistic) society and education that is most suitable for Indonesian people in realizing the goals of national education both present and future |
MKL6601 | Educational Field Practice (PK) | This course contains basic teaching skills, plans’ development in doing either, learning and practice restrictively or integrally |
PEN6201 | Microteaching | This course is a theoretical and practical course that equips students to have the ability to understand learning concepts, educator and student concepts, develop lesson plans, develop student assessment instruments, carry out learning practices |
FMI6201 | Mathematics and natural sciences Insight and Studies |
This course discusses the basic methods of Mathematics and Natural Science (scientific method) in solving problems and the way / technique of arranging conclusions based on the correct rules of reasoning (mathematical logic). It also covers the basic concepts of science and its latest developments Module Handbook: |
FMI6201 | Statistics | This course contains a discussion of (1) the concepts of statistics and role of statistics; (2) methods for collecting and presenting data; (3) calculation and meaning of measures of central tendency, measures of variation, and measures of location; (3) the basics of probability theory; (5) random variables and their distributions; (6) sampling distribution; (7) parameter estimation; and (8) tests of hypothesis. |
FSK6215 | Analytical Mechanics |
This course examines the analysis of motion through a scalar mechanics approach (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian). The materials studied include: virtual work, Lagrange mechanics, calculus of variations, central force, Hamiltonian mechanics, rigid body dynamics. Module handbook: |
FSK6222 | Special Theory of Relativity |
This course contains important materials as part of Modern Physics, including: background on the emergence of Special Theory of Relativity, Relativistic Kinematics, relativistic dynamics, and relativity and electromagnetism Module Handbook: |
FSK6225 | Atomic Physics |
This course discusses the basic concepts of development of atomics theory, atomics structure, atomics spectrum of hydrogen, the effect of magnetics field in atom, Zeeman effect, cathode ray, Millikan oil drop experiment. Module Handbook: |
FSK6226 | Nuclear Physics |
This course discusses the basic concepts of nucleus structure, binding energy, radioactivity, interaction nuclear radiation with matter, alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, nuclear reaction, radio isotope and its application. Module Handbook: |
FSK6303 | Multivariable Calculus for Physics |
This course discusses Mathematical Functions and Models, Functions and Limits, Derivatives, Applications of Derivatives, Integrals, Integral Applications, Transcendental Functions, Integration Techniques, Power Series and Gradient, Divergence, Rotation. Module Handbook: |
FSK6304 | Differential Equation for Physic |
This course discusses First Order and Second Order Differential Equations, Fourier Series, Partial Differential Equations, Solutions of Differential Equations with Series, and Solutions of Differential Equations with Laplace Transform Module Handbook: |
FSK6305 | Linear Algebra for Physics |
This course discusses Vectors, Systems of Linear Equations, Matrices, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors, Orthogonality Properties, and Vector Spaces. Module Handbook: |
FSK6309 | Electrical Circuit Analysis |
This course develops competency regarding the understanding of the basic concepts of electricity and the underlying laws for the purposes of analyzing electrical circuits. Topics studied include: Fundamentals of electric circuits, resistive circuits, circuit theorems, circuit analysis methods, current and exchange voltages, use of phasors and complex numbers, ac circuit analysis techniques, power and power factor, and circuit selectivity and resonance. Practical activities include: determining the equivalent resistance and simplifying the circuit, measuring the quantities in dc and ac circuits and their phase differences, and determining the resonant frequency of the RLC circuit system. Module Handbook: |
FSK6312 | Digital Sistem |
This course studies the basic principles of digital systems which include number systems and code systems, Boolean algebra, logic gates, simplified logic circuits (Karnaugh maps), combinational circuits (binary comparators and additions), flip-flops (bistable), counters , registers, decoder/demultiplexer and multiplexer, monostable, astable and Schmitt trigger, and microprocessor introduction. Module Handbook: |
FSK6313 | Sensors |
This course discusses an introduction to data acquisition systems, physical principles and how sensors work, static and dynamic characteristics of sensors, classification of sensors (resistive, capacitive and inductive), studying various types of sensors for data acquisition purposes (instrumentation and measurement for: temperature, pressure, force and torque/torque, position and displacement, velocity, vibration and acceleration, acoustics, flow, light/optical, magnetic, humidity and wettability, radiation, digital, biosensors, chemistry), and signal conditioning techniques. Module Handbook: |
FSK6317 | Thermodynamics |
This course discusses energy and heat (heat), as well as the relationship between the two. More specifically, the Thermodynamics course includes a study of the laws of Thermodynamics and their applications. Thermodynamic material specifications include phase changes, Clausius-Clayperon equations, equation of state, Carnot cycle, entropy, potential Thermodynamics, Rankine cycle (up power), and heat transfer. Module Handbook: |
FSK6324 | Quantum Physics |
This course discusses the basic concepts of quantum physics. The materials studied include: Particle aspect of radiation (black body radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, pair production, Bremsstrahlung), Wave aspect of particle (de Broglie hypothesis, Davisson-Germer experiment, classical vs quantum view of particles and waves, wave-particle dualism), Heisenberg uncertainty principle, probabilistic interpretation, quantization rules, wave packets, Schrodinger equation (waves at boundaries, particles in potential wells, simple harmonic oscillators, energy barriers), Mathematical tools of quantum mechanics: vector spaces and Hilbert spaces, Dirac notation, operators, representation of discrete and continuous bases , matrix vs wave mechanics, Postulates of quantum mechanics, 1D quantum mechanics: potential wells and resistance, harmonic oscillators, 3D quantum mechanics: problems in Cartesan coordinates, problems in spherical coordinates, Stationary state approximation method: time independent perturbation theory. Module Handbook: |
FSK6411 | Analog Electronics |
Semiconductor, p-n junction, application of diode in circuit, bipolar transistor, field effect transistor and amplifier (transistor and operational). Module Handbook: |
FSK6414 | Mechanics |
Materials that will be discussed are quantities and units, vectors, Newtonian Mechanics: Rectilinear Motion of a Particle, motion of objects in three dimensions, Noninertial References Systems, gravity and central force, particle dynamics systems, and Mechanics of Rigid: Planar Motion accompanied by practicum. Module Handbook: |
FSK6419 | Electromagnetics |
This course discusses the concepts of electric magnets which include the following concepts: Electrostatics, Electric Field, Gaussian Law, Electric Energy and Potential, Electric Multipole, Special methods in electrostatics, Electric Current, Dielectric Materials, Magnetostatics, Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetism in Ingredients. Module Handbook: |
PFI6201 | Physics Curriculum and Instruction |
This course discusses and studies the structure of the curriculum, supporting components, and the philosophical foundations of curriculum development in designing physics lessons according to the scientific characteristics of physics. Furthermore, this course equips prospective physics teachers in synchronizing basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives in the curriculum and packaging them in the form of physics learning tools using appropriate methods, approaches, strategies and learning models. Module Handbook: |
PFI6202 | Physics Learning Strategy |
This course discusses the characteristics of physics, understanding strategies, approaches, models, and learning methods, as well as their implementation in preparing instructional designs, as well as making preparation for learning and implementing it in developing students' character. Module Handbook: |
PFI6203 | Physics Learning Media |
This course discusses the meaning of instructional media, their functions and classifications; the role of ICT in physics learning media; the role of learning media in achieving physics learning outcomes; as well as developing student competence in making physics learning media. Module Handbook: |
PFI6204 | Physics Learning Assessment |
This course contains discussion of: principles of measurement, assessment and evaluation of learning physics; variety of techniques, instrument forms, assessment procedures and evaluation of physics learning: design and development of measurement and assessment instruments that meet the validity and reliability requirements used in physics learning, analysis and interpretation of measurement results, assessment and evaluation of physics learning; and can apply the results of the assessment to evaluate learning physics. Module Handbook: |
PFI6205 | Research Methodology of Physics Education |
The nature of research; approach, type and research method/design (quantitative, qualitative, mixed research); population, sample and sampling technique; research instruments, instrument analysis techniques (validity and reliability of instruments); data processing and analysis techniques. Students are trained in the preparation of research proposals: field studies, problem identification, theoretical studies, determination of research methods and designs, preparation of research instruments, data processing and analysis techniques); and procedures for conducting research. Students are trained in the skills of formulating problems, conducting preliminary studies, choosing research methods and designs, making research instruments, processing data, and compiling research proposals. Module Handbook: |
PFI6206 | Physics Laboratory Management |
Design, facilities, and laboratory equipment, administration of laboratory management, planning of laboratory activities, safety in the laboratory, and field study to schools. Module Handbook: |
PFI6210 | Computer-based Media |
This course studies the basic principles of developing computer-based learning media, developing elements of learning media and information technology. The main studies include: the concept of perceptions about learning media, learning communication & information technology, functions and benefits of learning media, application of computer-based learning media & learning multimedia. Module Handbook: |
PFI6213 | Physics Teacher Professional Development |
This course discusses Competency-Based Teacher Education, its professional definition, characteristics of the physics teaching profession, four competencies in the curriculum and development of teacher professionalism, main tasks and functions of teachers, teacher professional development policies, school-based management, the teaching profession and its role in the development of the physics curriculum in school, get to know the analysis of subject matter; developing syllabus and assessment, getting to know the learning cycle in designing physics learning tools, getting to know clinical supervision, developing collaboration in research. Module Handbook: |
PFI6214 | Study of School Physics |
The 2013 curriculum is a physics subject, essential high school physics materials from the basic competencies of the 2013 curriculum, misconceptions that often occur in high school physics materials, scientific methods in physics education, character education, media and strategies for learning physics in high schools. Module Handbook: |
PFI6216 | Learning Strategy and Management |
This course discusses the types of learning strategies and their application. In addition, this study is useful for prospective physics teacher students in deepening their understanding, knowledge, and managerial skills and learning strategies. Module Handbook: |
PFI6217 | Theory and Techniques of Measurement |
This course contains discussion of: introduction to measurement in physics education, classical measurement theory, modern measurement theory, scoring and scaling models, instrument development, types of achievement and talent instruments, instrument characteristics, analysis and interpretation of measurement results. Module Handbook: |
PFI6218 | Item Response Theory |
This course includes discussion of: comparison between classical test theory and item response theory; item response theory models: 3-parameter models, 2-parameter models, and 1-parameter models; capability scale, item parameter estimation and capability parameter, information function, reliability estimation and standard error of measurement; limitations and advantages of grain response theory. The discussion covers basic concepts and applications using the BilogMG, Parscale, and Quest program packages. Module Handbook: |
PFI6315 | Study of Physics Education Research |
This course discusses relevant and up-to-date physics education research results from reputable international journals and sinta-accredited national journals which are materials for preparing the background for a thesis proposal Module Handbook: |
FSK6274 | Physics of Natural Hazards |
This course discusses and studies of conceptual understanding natural disasters and their triggering factors, characteristics and types of natural disasters along with prevention efforts to reduce the risk, review of disaster management efforts in several countries, disaster mitigation education, and review of research findings on disaster risk reduction (DRR) Module Handbook: |
FSK6209 | Physics Measurement Analysis | This course is required for first year students of Physics and Physics Education Study Programmes to understand the basic concepts of Physics measurement and its application in Physics experiments. This course studies the basic concepts of measurement and data processing as well as determining the measurement results of a physical quantity and its uncertainty. The subject matter of this course includes the definition of physics experiments, measurement, and measurement results; definition and types of uncertainty; determination of measurement results along with the uncertainty of measurement results in single and repeated measurements; graph making; uncertainty propagation; and several aspects of data processing such as discrepancy analysis, weighted average, statistical analysis of repeated measurements, data rejection, and linear regression. |
FSK6218 | Statistical Physics |
The content of this subject includes: a) Probability distribution; b) Microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles; c) Connection of statistical physics to Thermodynamics; d) Ideal gas; e) Interacting classical; f) Simple spin systems; g) Fermion and Bosons; h) Bose-Einstein condensation. Module Handbook: |
FSK6227 | Solid State Physics |
The course aims to introduce students to the main concepts of modern Solid State Physics. It will cover the fundamentals, from crystal structures and diffraction till the nature of the energy bands. Introduction (Chapter 1 Kittel), Crystal structures; Fundamental types of lattices, Simple crystal structures, Diffraction of waves by crystals, Reciprocal space and determination of lattice structures, Phonons and thermal properties of Crystals, Free Electron Fermi Gas Model, and Energy bands. Module Handbook: |
FSK6316 | Vibration and Wave |
This course discusses the basic concepts of vibration and wave, where the students will learn about various types of vibration and wave and their physical phenomena. Module Handbook: |
FSK6321 | Optics |
The subject of Optics discusses: Light, properties of light and reflection of light on mirrors. Refraction of light on: prisms, parallel plan glass, curved surfaces and lenses. Optical tools consist of: eye, glasses, camera, lup, microscope and binoculars. Physical Optics includes: Interference, diffraction and polarisation of light. As well as applications in the development of science and technology. |
PFI6220 | Capita Selecta of Physics Education |
This course provides students with a brief history of the revolution in physics thinking and its impact, diagnosis, remediation and development of remediation models whose analysis refers to philosophical, juridical and conceptual aspects, changes in learning methodologies, structuring of school physics materials, ways and techniques for compiling essential materials derived from empirical facts Module Handbook: |
PFI6229 | Fluid Mechanics |
This course discusses the basic concepts of fluid flow. The students will learn the analysis of fluid flow using Bernoulli’s equation and control volume approach, and also the fluid flow modelling using dimensional analysis and similitude. Module Handbook: |
PFI6231 | Advanced Physics Experiment | This course covers experiments related to atomic physics, solid state physics, and nuclear physics. |
PFI6311 | Audio-Visual Media |
This course provides students with the skills to create video-based learning media. Students are trained to skillfully use digital recording media, editing skills to produce learning media in accordance with the lesson plans that have been made. Module Handbook: |
PFI6312 | Photography |
The content of this lecture material provides students' skills to create photo-based learning media. Students are skilled at using digital cameras, editing processes and producing learning media according to the lesson plan that have been made. Module Handbook: |
PFI6319 | Data Analysis of Educational Research |
This course discusses data types, mathematical functions, and statistical functions that are often used in research data analysis. In addition, data entry formats are also introduced, data processing with these functions and interpreting the results of data analysis. Generating data for simulations of various types of research is carried out, the resulting data are then analyzed and interpreted to develop students' skills and understanding of research data analysis techniques. Data analysis trained includes descriptive and inferential statistics, univariate and bivariate, as well as nonparametric statistics. Module Handbook: |
TAM6801 | Undergraduate Thesis |
This course is about how to write and complete an undergraduate thesis on the topic of physics. Module Handbook: |
Module Handbook All Subjects: Download
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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