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Students of Department of Physics Take Part in theMadrid Grafica International Exhibition 2020
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Athi' Nur Auliati Rahmah, who is familiarly called Athi', successfully became the Selected Artist in the International Poster Exhibition Madrid Grafica 2020 with the theme Covid Exit. This event is an annual exhibition organized by the Madrid Design Association and Foundation (DIMAD) and supported by the Madrid City Council (MADRID), Central de Diseno of Matadero Madrid, and Madrid Business Forum (FORO).
Athi received an invitation from the organizing committee to participate in this international exhibition. Then, she created a poster work, which was a development of a research scheme that he competed with his colleague, Tegar Ari Widianto, with the guidance of Mr. Wipsar Sunu Brams D, Ph.D. At the same time, this research won 1st place in the 2020 Research Competition held by UNY Research UKM. It was unexpected that the work he developed from the competition would be selected to be exhibited live at the Central de Diseño in Matadero Madrid, along with hundreds of works by other international practitioners and experts.
Photo by: mguillenmar
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
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