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Silver Medal at Cameron Highland
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The UNY team consisted of Garin Alkautsar Razid (FT/ PT Mekatronika), Satrio Sigit Purnomo (FT/ PT Machine), Fitrianto Hakim (FT/ PT Elektonika), Futri Nadyaturrohmah (FBS/ English Literature) and Arnum Sari Khoirunnisa (FMIPA/ Physics ) under the guidance of Dr.Eng. Didik Nurhadiyanto, lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Education, won the Silver Medal in the International Invention & Innovative Competition (InIIC) Series 2 which was held at Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia (18/11/2017). In this event, they created an innovation entitled "PADIMAX- Automatic Rice Dryer as Agricultural Technology Development to Increase Rice Productivity".
This team is a collaboration of students from three faculties at UNY and each member has their own duties and roles where the technical components are completely carried out by students from the Faculty of Engineering (Garin, Satrio and Fito), the basic theories used were prepared by Arnum Sari Khoirunnisa (FMIPA/Physics) meanwhile, to facilitate communication during presentations, was assisted by Futri (FBS/English Literature). With perfect collaboration, this UNY representative was able to win the Silver Medal in InIIC Series 2.
InIIC Series 2 itself is a competition event attended by world-class innovators (students, researchers and practitioners) with the theme "Creative Innovation Without Boundaries". The competition was held at Copthorn Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia and was attended by more than 180 teams from various countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India and Hong Kong.
Satrio, one of the team members, explained that his group's innovation aims to cover the process of drying rice when the weather is unfavorable. "So we made an automatic rice drying machine and conducted research to find the optimum water content, temperature and time automatically, so that the rice can be said to be dry and ready to be stored or processed into rice," he said.
"With this innovation, it is hoped that the rainy season will no longer be an obstacle to continuing the rice drying process," he explained.
This student majoring in Mechanical Engineering explained that this was the first time he and his team had participated in an international competition. "It is an honor for us to be able to make the name of UNY and Indonesia's address proud on the international stage," he said. (Satrio/FT)
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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
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