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Yogyakarta State University has shown definite steps in realizing a World Class University through Sit In activities by providing opportunities for students majoring in Physics Education and Science Education 2013 to study for 10 days (15-25 October 2016) at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). UNY students were accompanied by Mr. Nur Kadarisman, M. Si and Mrs. Putri Anjarsari, M.Pd. Activities carried out include cultural introductions between the two cultures, exchanging information about organizations in the Faculty of Science at UPM and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UNY, lectures, touring physics laboratories, participating in the annual FUSION DAY activities, visiting Expo Hill, and walking to tourist attractions in Malaysia.
UNY SIT IN PROGRAME ACTIVITIES 2016 Students from UNY took part in lecture activities in the Physics Education class at UPM from Monday, 17 October to Friday, 22 October 2016. The courses they took were Digital Electronics, Semiconductor Devices, Optics Geometry and Waves, Materials Science, Modern Optics, Nuclear Physics, and Mathematics for Physics. Lecture activities at UPM are different from UNY, namely the variety of students studying at UPM means that lecturers often use English but sometimes interspersed with Malay, lecturers use projectors more than whiteboards, most of the lecture activities are carried out using the lecture method and only convey the essence of the lecture so that Students are required to be more active in independent study from the references provided, students receive modules before the material is explained in lectures, there are discussion activities to discuss questions that have been tested, and the use of time by lecturers to explain and hold discussions is very good. Apart from differences in lecture activities, there are also differences in practicum activities, namely students carry out practicum independently with a predetermined deadline to collect practicum results reports.
The sit-in activity was enlivened by trips to several tourist attractions, including the state planetarium, Bukit Pineapple Eco Park, KLCC, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Putrajaya, Bandar Raya Melaka, Pasar Seni, Berly's Chocolate, visiting the cow fields, Putra FM, and the Heritage Museum owned by UPM. This sit-in activity is complemented by a physics family activity called FUSION DAY, an activity carried out by all students and several physics department lecturers to carry out competitions which are divided into 4 teams, namely the red, blue, green and yellow teams. UNY students joined the yellow team and won 1st place. In this activity, UNY students could feel a very close family relationship with students at UPM. And on Monday evening, October 24 2016, a closing or farewell evening was held in the hall at UPM's fifth college. This activity was enjoyable because there were artistic performances from UPM and UNY students.
Muhammad Ihsanul Fikri, one of the students participating in the sit-in program, hopes "Hopefully all the benefits obtained at UPM can be spread at UNY and that good relations between the two universities can open up opportunities for UNY students to continue their studies at UPM or vice versa. Amen."
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
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