Graduation in the May 2018 Period

In the graduation period on May 12 2018, there will be 25 students from the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY who will graduate. There are 16 prospective graduates from the Physics Education Study Program and 9 people from the Physics Study Program. The details are as follows:

Physics Study Program
1. 13306141033 Bagas Priyambodo
2. 14306144001 Azka Fathia
3. 13306141039 Maulana Yoga Museum
4. 13306141043 Toni Indrawan
5. 13306141012 Arum Sri Cahyani
6. 11306144015 Johan Haryanto
7. 11306144005 Muhammad Nur Rohman
8. 12306144007 Kurnia Fatmasari
9. 12306141039 Retno Damayanti

Physics Education Study Program
1. 14302241003 Tita Trisnawati
2. 14302241025 Noviana Susilaningrum
3. 14302241028 Ayu Purwati
4. 14302241014 Mochtar Purwo Nugroho
5. 14302241009 Farida Tri Puspitasari
6. 14302241040 Dian Pratiwi
7. 14302241031 Annisa Faurina Lestari
8. 14302241018 Ratika Nur Jasmin
9. 14302241010 Ratna Amalia Sangidu
10. 14302241036 Isnaini Agus Setiono
11. 14302241043 Widiana Arniati
12. 13302244037 Puput Pujiyanti
13. 14302241006 Ulfaturrona Nur Labibah
14. 13302241003 Fidiyah Nuraini
15. 13302241078 Adjie Kurniawan
16. 13302241056 Melati Sukma Siwi